We Live With God


WE LIVE WITH GOD     (click here for Dutch)

At International Bible Church, we enjoy life with God through the reconciliation accomplished by His Son Jesus Christ and ministered by His Holy Spirit. We live with God together in the Body of Christ, and invite others to join us.

We live with God in the Gospel
when we live by trusting in Jesus Christ.
The gospel is the good news that God the Father has reconciled us to Himself—made it possible for us to have life and to enjoy life with Him—through the righteous life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, ascension, intercession, and promised return of His Son Jesus Christ and through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the believer and in the Church. This good news is always at the heart of everything in the life of the Church.

We live with God in the Scriptures when we pay attention to His words.
We meet God—come to know and learn to trust Him—in the pages of the Bible. Thus knowing God, we begin to see who we really are, who we are called to be, and how that is to be realized in our unity with Christ (Heb 4:12-13, Jam 1:21-25). In the Bible, God teaches, reproves, corrects, and instructs us, leading us to salvation through faith in Christ and equipping us for every good work(John 5:39, 46, 2 Tim 3:15-17, Psa 119:105, Psa 19:7-14). Every word of the Bible is God’s word, so we trust that everything the Bible says is true and carries the authority of God Himself. The Bible is the lens through which we evaluate all truth claims.

We live with God in Prayer.
Prayer is the basic practice of life with God. In prayer we come before God the Father, in God the Son and by God the Spirit, to directly enjoy and appreciate His grace and love, to confess our need of Him and our ways of straying from Him, and to trust Him with all our needs and desires. In prayer, we have opportunity to commune with God, not simply to communicate to God, and to do so continuously. (Heb 4:16, 9:19-22, Jam 4:1-10, Matt 6:9-13, 1 Pet 5:6-7, Phil 4:4-7)

We live with God in Worship when we gather on Sundays and when we live for His honor daily.
We regularly assemble to remember and celebrate His grace toward us in Christ (Col 3:16, Heb 4:15-16) and to joyfully present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1).

We live with God in Fellowship when we share life together in Christ.
We strive to truly bear His image in generosity toward one another. We understand that the body of Christ is a family in which each member pursues the well-being of the other members by sharing all that God provides. We want to be together and to “preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Acts 2:44-46, Eph 2:19-20, Heb 10:24-25, Phil 2:1-4, Rom 12:10-18, Eph 4:3)

We live with God in Service when we imitate the servanthood of Jesus Christ.
We each and all adopt the posture of servant of all, especially as we strive to advance the faith of the gospel (Phil 1:27, Matt 20:25-28). We believe that the Holy Spirit has placed each believer in the body of Christ and gifted every believer to serve with one another for the building up of the Church (1 Cor 12:7, 18, Eph 4:11-16).

We live with God in Creation when we enjoy the things He has made.
God’s nature is reflected in the things he has made (Rom 1:20, Psa 19:1-6, Acts 14:17), especially the special image-bearing creation of humanity, especially as that is being restored in the life of each believer and in the life of the Church.

These are values, not rules.